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When was the last time you had a really good laugh and that experience was intentional? It got you to learn more about yourself, open up and change the way you interact with yourself and/or others? Can't remember? That's okay, because that's exactly where Linda Hargrove comes in. She is an improvisation educator and facilitator, and the face behind Improv 4 Education. She works with clients, like businesses and schools, and organizes improv workshops and classes that get people out of their comfort zones and transforms the way they learn, collaborate and interact, all in a fun and dynamic way.

She's kinda like the host of the show "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" and you are the player. Never heard of the show? Say what?! Don't like the limelight? No problem. She has a knack for getting anyone to unwind and relax into this experience.

When Linda reached out to me wanting a new logo and to revamp her Website she was looking for something fun, fresh and informative. I was excited not only to tackle this new project but also to explore the fun world of improv.

Check out the new Website:

If you're looking to add the benefits of improv to your next social or work gathering try Linda or try some of these fun games.


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